Friday, August 6, 2010

Once Again.....

Once again its been way too long since I blogged. Reegan is now 15 months and Laney is 4. What an eventful year, I lost my job back in October, it was definitely bitter sweet. I loved working and had been at my job for almost 10 years, But I also love being home with my girls and am grateful for the opportunity to be home with them. I have one more class then I can apply for the RN program so I am really excited to finish this class.

Reegan is growing so fast, she started walking on her 1st birthday. She has had a rough first year. she was colicky as a baby then has been hospitalized twice before her first birthday, our dog knocked her down and she hit her head on the tile and took an ambulance ride to mercy. Reegan is an absolute joy. her love for me fills my heart everyday.

Delaney is such a big girl with an even bigger personality. Laney amazes me everyday with her words and the things that come out of her mouth. I was told the other day that he couldn't believe how much Laney looked like me, she is my little mini me. The other day I asked Laney to be careful sliding on the tile with socks on because she was going to break her butt, her response was "mom my butts already broken! see the crack' as she points to her crack. I was speechless and then started laughing so hard.

Brian is working for the forest service and is stationed about 2 hours away, its been rough having him so far away but we are doing well, we just feel fortunate that Brian has a job.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Its been way too long!

Well as usual its been way too long since my last post. Reegan is now 9 weeks old and I have gone back to work part-time. I am so happy about working part-time, I have never worked part-time before! Reegan is a colicky baby so its been an adjustment for the whole family. Laney is such a good big sister, she has her moments of jealousy and shows it by acting out but over all she is doing really well.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I am currently approaching my 14th week and I feel like a heffier! Its time to bring out the maternity clolths so I did and I hate them all. I think I have grown taller since my pregnancy with Laney. I am on a mission to get long maternity jeans. We are leaving for Baton Rouge on the 20th so maybe I can last until then and find something there. Oh yeah did I mention the fact that I get to fly all by myself with Laney, Brian is leaving this sunday to go so that he can do and orientation there! Its okay though I am used to doing it on my own, thats what happens when you marry a man in the military. Laney is currently sleeping with us so my sleep is highly interrupted by numerous kicks and slaps through the night.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


We attempted to take Laney with us to our OB appt today. WELLL that did not work out so well, she has a obsession right now with sitting on the floor, crawling on the floor and going under the couch. Ughhh that just grosses me out! Then I take her outside for a timeout becuase of her shananaghans and well needless to say Brian had to take her home. Good new is that I heard the hearbeat, its beating a about 164 per min. Thats around what Laney's ran too. I hope the terrible 2's are over before this one is born!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Delaney is going to be a big sister come May 8th. I don't really think she understands just yet but if you ask her what she wants she will respond with "I wanna baby sister" everytime. Ever since I have found out about this pregnancy, Laney will not sleep in her own bed. Ever since she was three months she has slept in her own bed and now all of a sudden she wants to sleep with mommy and daddy. We are super excited to welcome our new baby in May!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Big Girl Panties

We are in the process of potty training Laney and she is doing so well. When I picked her up from daycare on tuesday Lisa informed me that it was time for laney to be wearing her big girl panties because she is doing so well. This morning I put on her big girl panties and made sure we pottied before we left, well it is about a 20 minute drive to Lisa's and by the time we got there Laney had an accident, as we walk through the door Laney announces to everyone "I PEED I PEED!!"