Tuesday, October 21, 2008


We attempted to take Laney with us to our OB appt today. WELLL that did not work out so well, she has a obsession right now with sitting on the floor, crawling on the floor and going under the couch. Ughhh that just grosses me out! Then I take her outside for a timeout becuase of her shananaghans and well needless to say Brian had to take her home. Good new is that I heard the hearbeat, its beating a about 164 per min. Thats around what Laney's ran too. I hope the terrible 2's are over before this one is born!


Brianne said...

awww, i still remember hearing Isabella's for the first time. SOOO reassuring and special!

Samantha said...

aww isnt it wonderful?1

Anissa said...

aww i cant wait to see little anissa michell wilkes! heheheheee!! i love u doll, i bet hearing the heartbeat was awesome!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

aww i love hearing the heartbeat! Its the best feeing!